Ben Carson is Cray Cray

After Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson repeated his claim that the pyramids of Egypt were built by the Biblical character Joseph to store grain, this is what I imagined his former brain surgery patients doing:


If I were a former patient of Ben Carson’s, I’d be petrified he might have left one of his honorary plaques in my skull. Below is a picture of Ben Carson’s billiards room and it continues his vast home’s theme of paying homage to himself. Like other walls in the house, this one is plastered with plaques he received for showing up to give a speech somewhere – anywhere. I’m guessing he wouldn’t show up at  a grocery store unless they gave him a recognition he could hang on his wall. Honorary plaques are like those little league baseball participation trophies, they signify nothing – except in Ben Carson’s relentlessly narcissistic mind.


WARNING: the following image cannot be unseen.

Here is a painting in Ben Carson’s home of him and his presidential adviser  Jesus H. Christ himself! Dr. Carson claims God told him to run for president, so there is going to be an awkward conversation very soon between these two.image

Here’s another interesting photo inside Carson’s home. Carson loves the Bible so much, he allowed one of his few walls not reserved for pictures of himself, to be adorned by this misspelled Bible quotation from “poverbs”. It’s ironic that this message is about humility – at what point in Ben Carson’s life has He ever exhibited humility? He’s always the super hero in his tall tales.


Why is it the Republicans have so many misfits in the running? I’m guessing Fox News and the Tea Party have decimated the Republican Party of electable leaders, and the Teapublican dominated primary system rewards the candidate who acts the most idiotic.